Series: To Whom Do They Belong: Children In The Covenant
Our Children and Conversion
Certainly, there must be new birth! But to insist that this new birth is dependent upon or somehow necessitates a dramatic conversion experience is to abandon the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of his people.
Topics: family, covenant theology, children, biblical theology
To You and To Your Children
Our children need the Word of God – even as they are the children of believers; even as they are covenant children; even as they are holy - and should be viewed as such.
Topics: family, covenant theology, children, biblical theology
Just Make a Decision, Will You?
I believe that the effects of Charles Finney’s (and other’s) ministry has so infected the American church that we hardly even know all the areas polluted by it. Our understanding of and expectations concerning Covenant Children is one of those areas.
Topics: children, biblical theology
To Whom Do They Belong?
So what does this mean for the church and for parents as we seek to minister to these young ones in our midst? Do we view them as wolves among the sheep or do we view them as lambs within the fold?
Topics: family, covenant theology, children, biblical theology