
Christ, The Cornerstone
On the Thursday night before Jesus’s crucifiction, Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples in what we have traditionally called the Last Supper. During this supper, many interesting (and even paradoxical) things happen – Jesus washing the disciples’ feet; Judas being identified as Jesus’s betrayer, apparently without the other disciples realization of it; and Jesus’s radical changes to the traditional Passover customs in instituting the Sacrement of the Lord’s Supper – but there has always been one seemingly normal thing that has stuck out to me. The singing of a hymn.
Topics: resurrection, christ's work, atonement

Caesar, the Beast, and Crafts
Thinking through the Hobby Lobby problem.
Topics: worldview, reformed t, culture
The Influence of a Worldview
There are thousands of things that influence the way we look at the world. Every experience we have, every book we read, every conversation we engage in, even down to every sensory input that is processed by our brain, can have some degree of effect, whether very large or extremely minuscule, on the way we view the world and interpret the events around us. However, underneath all of these things stand a small number of primary ideas that each one of us holds on to. These primary, foundational concepts have the most influence on our worldview, and, even though no one is truly consistent in applying these concepts, they have a large effect on one’s understanding of the world.
Topics: worldview, science, providence

Ministering to Poohs
Though there is only one Pooh in the hundred-acre wood, there are many “Poohs” in the life of the church. How can we minister to the “Poohs” in our midst and how can “Poohs” minister in our midst?
Topics: people of god, church, children
PCA General Assembly - I Rise to Speak…Almost
Update from 2012 General Assembly
Topics: presbyterian, general assembly, church
PCA General Assembly
2012 General Assembly Update
Topics: presbyterian, general assembly, church

Mr Darcy and the Church
I am convinced that our message is as attractive as Elizabeth Bennet and the Mr. Darcy’s out there just need to meet her.
Topics: culture

Lifted By The Resurrection
In the final post of this series I discuss four things that the resurrection gives us for life: assurance, transformation, hope, and mission.
Topics: resurrection, christian life

The Takeaway
Final thoughts on the Lutheran Captivity of the Church.
Topics: systematic theology, justification

Church in the Hundred Acre Wood - Introduction
I don’t imagine that using an illustration from the Hundred Acre Wood could capture all the wonder and glory of the communion of saints. But I do hope, if you’ll hang with me (and I must admit I’m a little nervous about committing to such a project) throughout this blog that God might use it to help develop and nurture in you, and me, a deep love for, and appreciation of, the people of God.
Topics: relationships, people of god, ecclesiology, community, communion of the saints, church

The Road Ahead
What awaits us if we stick with Lutheranism?
Topics: systematic theology, lutheran, justification
Reclaiming Mythology
I believe that Genesis is mythological, and you should too.
Topics: philosophy, genesis, biblical theology

Alternate Theories To The Resurrection – The Legend Theory
So far we’ve looked at the belief in, theology of, witnesses to, and alternate “dead end” theories for the resurrection. This post will tackle the most common argument against the resurrection of Jesus Christ that is heard today - The Legend Theory.
Topics: resurrection, apologetics

Johnny Law
Is God’s law good for anything besides condemning us?
Topics: the law, reformed theology, presbyterian, lutheran

Alternate Theories To The Resurrection – Dead Ends
Throughout history belief in the resurrection has been critically met by skeptics and cynics alike. To a certain extent those critics have recognized that at least some of the historical evidence is trustworthy, but they still deny the resurrection of Jesus. In this post, we take a look at the four main alternate theories to the resurrection that have been so soundly refuted that they are no longer held in academia.
Topics: resurrection, apologetics
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